• Date : 06 May 2024
  • Time : 2 min.
Coneix el CETT

Last Thursday, the Tech Tourism Cluster together with the CETT-UB, organized a meeting at the same Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy attached to the University of Barcelona, ​​all with the aim of connecting with the entrepreneurial talent of the future.

The session began with the presentation of the CETT-UB to the attending companies in order to be able to share the ways of collaboration offered by the center in the field of innovation and the promotion of the labor insertion of the students themselves, as well as the projects that are being launched to promote these synergies.

In addition, a group dynamic was held to bring companies and students in contact, where they co-created a "digital menu" with everything necessary for the search for emerging talent in positions with a tourism technology background . They shared useful ways, according to the students, where they usually go to look for job offers, as well as those details that make them choose to apply in that particular position. 

Digital marketing, social networks and product development were some of the future topics that the students consider can have a direct impact on tourism.

Estudiants i empreses col·laborant de manera proactiva

Great learning for companies and a close and direct way to meet new talent that are able to apply to real job offers provided by companies.

Sílvia Garcia

Project Manager

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