• Date : 21 July 2023
  • Time : 3 min.
Assemblea General OrdinĂ ria 2023

Last July 20, our organization held the 2023 Ordinary General Assembly where there will be a series of formal presentations to approve the 2022 annual accounts and our organization's internal regulations. In addition, a review was made of the most outstanding figures of the cluster and several actions to be taken during 2023 were explained.

Through this article, we thank the assistance of all those members who accompanied us; both those of you from Barcelona and those of you who come from other places in Catalonia. We also take this opportunity to thank those 63 members who have opted to be part of this project that we call the Tech Tourism Cluster. During the coming months, we will continue working from our organization to continue adding value and improving the competitiveness of all those who are part of the cluster.

The event was marked by the outstanding participation of Mr. Lluc Guarro through his presentation "Leader in a hostile (or digital) environment" who, through an inspiring talk, made us reflect on how to innovate and be better leaders in our companies. During his speech we learned how, over the years, the disruptive trends in innovation have been changing and have marked the history of humanity. Will AI be the new big paradigm shift of our time?

Xavier Garcia

Cluster Manager

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