Continuing with the focus on Latin America established in our entity's internationalization plan, we embarked on a commercial mission to visit ANATO Colombia together with Voxel, Prestige Software, Connectivity, Delta Informatica and MyLegalInbox.
And we can confirm it: Catalan tourism technology has a lot of traction in Latin America!
After three days discovering the Colombian market, we draw very optimistic conclusions about the potential to close business in an emerging market that is constantly growing, with certain technological deficiencies and with great challenges to face the future.
As a Tech Tourism Cluster we were able to share good practices with the Business Tourism Cluster of Medellin and learn more about their challenges and how they work to boost the local economy through MICE tourism. In addition, we discovered how the tourist accommodation ecosystem is structured in Colombia through COTELCO, who exposed us to several technological challenges to explore potential avenues of collaboration in the future.
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